Choosing The Right Outdoor Furniture

Discover the Benefits of Outdoor Furniture Sets
As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, spring can make the beginning of the gardening season for many. What better time, then, to get prepared and start your spring gardening?
These handy spring gardening tips will get you out in the garden. Preparing your dream garden for when the sun finally comes out.
Get to Weeding
Spring is the perfect time to hunt down and deal with growing weeds in your garden and lawn. Getting on top of weeds early in the season will make the job much easier come the summer and keep them from taking precious water and light from the plants and flowers that really matter in your garden.
Trim and Prune
The early spring is the perfect time to do those maintenance jobs you’ve been putting off all winter. Pruning flowers like roses and hydrangeas and trimming hedges and bushes should be a part of anyone’s spring gardening schedule. This will mean optimum reshooting and blooming later in the year.
Look out for wildlife
When gardening at this time of year, remember there may still be wildlife taking refuge in their winter habitats. Nesting birds, insects and even hedgehogs can easily find their way into hedges and bushes during the winter, so take extra care not to disturb them while tidying.
Container Growing
Container growing is a great way to kick off your gardening season, offering a compact and versatile way to plant in the early season. Our metal garden storage, planters and raised garden beds make the perfect home for anything from herbs to small shrubs and trees. Whatever you choose to plant will liven up your garden as the summer rolls around.
Spring Blossom
With our metal garden storage in mind, it wouldn’t be right not to make at least one recommendation, and who doesn’t love some spring blossom? Even if you have a small garden, our stylish, compact collection of durable metal garden storage allows small trees to be grown in a container, bringing new life to your outdoor space. Blossom trees are just perfect for this and come right into season in the springtime.
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