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Like New Year’s resolutions and fitness regimes, when it comes to having a tidy shed, we’re full of good intentions but as time passes by it quite often become more of a dumping ground. To help you keep on top of things here’s some useful tips on how best to organise your outdoor storage shed:
Whether you’re re-organising your existing outdoor storage shed or starting to fill a new one, start by going through the items that need storing and having a good old clear out. Do you really need to keep hold of that child’s bike now your kids have flown the nest? Will you ever actually find a use for those reclaimed pieces of timber?! Be ruthless and put to one side any items that you don’t need, sell anything of value and donate the rest to charity.
Now the fun can begin! Once you’ve sorted through your belongings, group items together in a way that suits you. Useful suggestions are by genre, purpose or time of year they will be needed. For example, it’s a good idea to store garden tools, equipment and furniture together rather than jumbled amongst sledges and snow shovels, a garden storage box can help with this.
Storage Systems
Many outdoor storage sheds such as Hixon and Weston come with integrated organisation solutions such as tool hangers and height adjustable shelves. Start by using these super handy accessories to get an idea of what other systems you may need to install to store your valuables.
Shelving, tool racks and drawer organisers will help you to make the most of every spare inch of space whilst also keeping belongings orderly. A stackable garden storage box is a great solution too and will keep your items free of dust.
If you do use a metal storage box and drawers, take the time to label them. Labelling will make it much easier to find items when needed and will save a lot of time and effort.
It may seem obvious but when planning the layout of your outdoor storage shed, remember to place items that will be used often in an accessible spot nearer the front of the shed.
Once you’ve done all of the hard work try to keep on top of it. Put things back where you found them rather than just throwing items in, closing the doors and thinking I’ll sort that next time! It really will save a lot of time in the long run.
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