Get Ready For Winter With Our All Weather Garden Furniture

Storing Your Summer Buys This Winter In Our Secure Metal Shed
We all know what an organised shed should look like, and we all have good intentions; however, we equally know that things can quickly get away from us and clutter can build. This helpful guide has been put together by our team to help you think creatively about your metal garden storage; to think about how you can manage space and up your organisation game, making it easier to work efficiently in and around your outdoor space. Here are 6 shed storage ideas to keep your essentials organised:
- Shelving
Shelving is the first place to start when organising your metal garden storage. Not only is it great for organising, allowing you to group items by use, season or kind, it is also a great space saver, making use of wall as well as floor space. Our Hixon and Weston metal garden storage come complete with their own integrated, height adjustable shelves which can be easily added to as required.
- Tool Racks
Utilising tool racks and hangers, like shelving, are a great organiser and space saver. From bigger shovels and forks to smaller handheld tools such as trowels; tool racks and hangers are a perfect way to manage space and control clutter. Again, Hixon and Weston come fitted with integrated tool racks, suitable for both bulkier items and smaller ones, so you have no excuse not to keep your shed tidy.
- Organise Your Odds and Ends
With a home for those larger items found, it is important not to neglect those smaller items. You might think you’re being resourceful by saving the odd string end or old nuts and bolts, but unless you organise them, this can create a headache further down the line. Make use of small baskets, trays or Tupperware to store those odds and ends, and save yourself the headache next time you’re looking for those cable ties or spare parts. From larger boxes to repurposed jars, takeaway boxes or plant pots, storing items by their use, their season, or their size is a productive and simple way to reduce clutter.
- Labels, Labels, Labels
Whatever internal systems of organisation you opt for, another helpful tip is to label things. This can be as simple as taking a sharpie to boxes and baskets, or as precise as colour coding items. Whatever your method, labelling items will make your life easier when looking for what you need.
- Organise by use
Make your shelves and tool racks work better by organising them according to what you use the most. Put everyday tools on the middle shelves at eye level and within easy reach. Put heavy, bulky items at floor level to avoid nasty accidents, and store anything seasonal or rarely used higher up, easily retrieved when needed, but out of sight when not.
- On the Move
Whether you’re an avid gardener, DIY fanatic or not, having portable storage solutions for some of your essentials is always a good idea. A garden tote or tool box can be used to hold small everyday items such as seeds, gloves and small tools, giving you quick, mobile access to those bits you use most.
So, however cluttered your shed may be, these helpful tips will have you covered. To see what HEX has to offer for metal garden storage, check out our product range at: https://www.hexliving.co.uk/products/