Success For Hex Living Outdoor Garden Furniture At GLEE 2022

Metal Garden Sheds Are The Ideal To Secure Bikes And Mobility Scooters
Earlier this month our team attended outdoor living exhibition SOLEX.
Showcasing our new range of metal garden storage and outdoor furniture to the industry, our innovative products were received with real acclaim, with buyers and retailers from across the country cheerleading both their quality and design alongside the commercial benefits of being manufactured in Britain.
Overwhelmed by the feedback received, Paul Clews, Managing Director of HEX Living, said: “It has been great to get out there and showcase HEX Living to key figures in the industry. We’ve had a really fantastic reaction to the metal garden storage and it has been great to receive such brilliant feedback from the marketplace.
“When we first developed the concept of HEX Living, we identified that there was a real gap in the industry for UK manufactured products that would offer retailers a more immediate and flexible service. This is something that we’ve had confirmed time and time again during our conversations with buyers at SOLEX and it is great that we are in a position to be able to support retailers and meet their demands.”
Rupert King, Head of Sales at HEX Living adds: “It was great to get back out into the industry meeting retailers and buyers that I’ve worked with for decades. Their reaction to HEX Living has been fantastic; those we have spoken to have been bowled over by the quality and design of the metal garden storage and are excited about the future of our brand.”
To keep up to date with all the latest from HEX Living follow us on our Instagram and TikTok.